Graduate Academic Affairs

Non-Academic Leave & Dropouts

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Q1 : How to apply for non-academic leave or dropouts?

Answer Q1 :

1. Please visit the Graduate Academic Affairs website and download the application form.

2. Complete the application to go through the school-leaving procedure with the following information:

(1). Student's identity card

(2). Refund application and original registration billing

(3). Self-addressed stamped (NTD30) envelope

3. Handling of dropouts, first go to the Graduate Academic Affairs website and download the application form and return the student's identity card. You can apply the issue enrollment certificate and studied record after complete the procedure.


Q2 : What are the schedule and refund criteria of dropouts and non –academic leave??

Answer Q2 :

1. The refund criteria of dropouts and non -academic leave based on "university or college student dropout and non-academic leave refund points" of the Ministry of Education.

2. The following table show the schedule and refund criteria of dropouts and non -academic leave:

The time of dropout and non-academic leave Refund criteria
Registration Date Exempt from tuition and fees/ Contributors will get full refund
After the Registration Date and the class begin Refund 2/3 tuition fees / incidental expenses will be fully refunded
Temporally leaving or dropout(week 1 to week 6) Refund 2/3 of tuition fees and incidental expenses
Temporally leaving or dropout(week 7 to week 12) Refund 1/3 of tuition fees and incidental expenses
Temporally leaving or dropout( after week 13) All the paid fees will not be refunded


Q3 : How long of the non -academic leave take??

Answer Q3 :

1. The duration time will take for one semester or one year and can be accumulated for two years.

2. If the non-academic leave expires due to serious illness or other accidents, the approval of the project application is needed which able to re-school and the leave shall extend for one year.


Q4 : Is the military service included in the non-academic year??

Answer Q4 :

The military service is a national obligation so it is not included in the non-academic leave and not count in the length of study year. Also must submit the summons for military service or proved of the camp to apply for the extension of the leave.


Q5 : How to resume university path from interrupted studies??

Answer Q5 :

The Graduate Academic Affairs will send the notification of resume studies and the registered notes, asking the students to apply for return to school program.


