About Us
Welcome to the website of Center for Teaching and Learning Development
The Center’s mission is dedicated to promoting the effectiveness of NUTN’s overall teaching quality and learning. Our goal is to improve teaching quality, enrich teaching resources, promote the development of teaching, and to provide students with consulting services to help them develop their academic interests and learning capability.
To support the mission of the University particularly in its concern for the assurance of high quality in teaching and learning.
Establish a supportive environment of excellence in teaching and learning to maximise the potential of both teachers and students.
To create opportunities for academics to reflect upon their teaching and share their experiences.
To help academic staff adopt teaching techniques that facilitate student learning.
To improve the quality of student learning environments.
To provide constructive feedback to teachers on their teaching.
To conduct research in a number of areas of teaching and learning.
To support rigorous evaluation of teaching and learning.
To promote good teaching and learning practices by organizing a variety of events.