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This website is based on the design principle of accessibility and uses keyboard shortcuts to strengthen the browsing convenience Layout is divided in 4 areas :
1. the main menu zone at the top, 2. the content zone at the center, 3. the menu zone on the left side, 4. the related information zone at the bottom

The following keys are set as the Access keys ( or speed keys) of this website :
If your browser is Firefox, Press Shift + Alt + Key to jump. For example, press "Shift + Alt + C" to jump to the center of the page.

  1. Alt+U :The top of the side link area.
  2. Alt+L :The Left of the main menu links area.
  3. Alt+C :Main content area shows the content of each page.
  4. Alt+Z :Bottom Link area.

Site Navigator :

  1. 1.Office of Academic Affairs
    1. 1.1.Office of Academic Affairs
    2. 1.2.Members of Section
    3. 1.3.News
    4. 1.4.Links
  2. 2.Teaching Affairs
    1. 2.1.News
    2. 2.2.Members of Section
    3. 2.3.Seeking Help for Course Registration Matter
    4. 2.4.Forms download
    5. 2.5.Links
  3. 3.Transcript Office
    1. 3.1.News
    2. 3.2.Members of Section
    3. 3.3.Links
  4. 4.Graduate Academic Affairs
    1. 4.1.News
    2. 4.2.Members of Section
    3. 4.3.Links
  5. 5.Admissions Section
    1. 5.1.News
    2. 5.2.Admissions Information
    3. 5.3.Members of Section
    4. 5.4.Links
  6. 6.Continuing and Extension Education Section
    1. 6.1.News
    2. 6.2.Members of Section
    3. 6.3.Laws and regulations
    4. 6.4.Form download
    5. 6.5Links
  7. 7.Digital-learning development Division
    1. 7.1.News
    2. 7.2.Members of Section
    3. 7.3Links
  8. 8.Center for Teaching and Learning Development
    1. 8.1.News
    2. 8.2.Members of Section
    3. 8.3.Meeting Minutes
    4. 8.4Links
  9. 9.Contact Us
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